
Below you will find the current course offerings listed by semester and then alphabetically by department. Students and Faculty should log in to and view the live course listings for the current semester. The current semester listings below are updated weekly. If you have any questions about these courses, please contact the Registrar's Office at or 617-521-2111.

Fall 2024 Course Schedule

Last Updated: 03/31/2025 07:10PM


ECON 100 - Principles of Microeconomics

Addresses debates about whether market capitalism provides the best institutional context for organizing the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. Considers consumer and business behavior under various competitive conditions. Assesses the appropriate role for government policy in improving performance of market capitalism.

Section Section Dates Time Instructor Credits Location
01 2024/09/03 - 2024/12/12
Tuesday, Thursday
12:30PM - 1:50PM
Masato Aoki
Main Campus
02 2024/09/04 - 2024/12/11
Monday, Wednesday
5:00PM - 6:20PM
Zinnia Mukherjee
Main Campus

ECON 101 - Principles of Macroeconomics

Examines how economy-wide consumption, saving, investment, trade, and government spending and taxation influence inflation, unemployment, and the economy's oscillation between prosperity and recession. Introduces alternative macroeconomic theories in terms of their analysis of how the economy works and the fiscal and monetary policies they support.

Section Section Dates Time Instructor Credits Location
01 2024/09/03 - 2024/12/12
Tuesday, Thursday
11:00AM - 12:20PM
Niloufer Sohrabji
Main Campus

ECON 231 - Money and Banking

Examines the U.S. monetary and financial systems, monetary theories, and monetary policy. Surveys theories of interest rates, theories of the interaction between the economy's monetary and productive sectors, and monetary policy. Places monetary theories within the context of broad economic debates. Tracks developments in monetary policy and financial markets, analyzing impacts on financial intermediation and the macroeconomy.

Section Section Dates Time Instructor Credits Location
01 2024/09/03 - 2024/12/12
Tuesday, Thursday
3:30PM - 4:50PM
Masato Aoki
Main Campus

ECON 247 - Environmental Economics

Analyzes environmental problems and policies, with emphasis on the difficulties of measuring environmental costs and benefits. Considers pricing incentives vs. direct control approaches to regulating water pollution, air pollution, atmospheric change and acid rain, and the disposal of solid and hazardous wastes.

Section Section Dates Time Instructor Credits Location
01 2024/09/09 - 2024/12/09
2:00PM - 4:50PM
Zinnia Mukherjee
Main Campus

ECON 370 - Internship

Consent of instructor required. Provides students with opportunities for workplace experience and supervised research projects that incorporate economic analysis.

Section Section Dates Time Instructor Credits Location
Masato Aoki

ECON 393 - Econometrics

Introduces the quantitative measurement and analysis of actual economic phenomena using regression analysis. Uses regression techniques to describe economic relationships, to test hypotheses about economic relationships, and to forecast future economic activity. Constructs and tests economic models using a computer statistical package.

Section Section Dates Time Instructor Credits Location
01 2024/09/03 - 2024/12/12
Tuesday, Thursday
9:30AM - 10:50AM
Niloufer Sohrabji
Main Campus


EDUC 156 - Schools in an Era of Change

Engages students in a range of issues and ideas that are part of the American educational scene, including schools as social organizations, special education, the role of technology in teaching, standardized testing, the philosophy and history of education, and the search for instructional excellence and equity in education. Requires fieldwork and computer use.

Section Section Dates Time Instructor Credits Location
01 2024/09/04 - 2024/12/11
11:00AM - 1:50PM
Daren Graves
Main Campus

EDUC 350 - Independent Study

Consent of instructor required.

Section Section Dates Time Instructor Credits Location
Daren Graves

Exercise Science

EXSC 100 - Introduction to Exercise Science

<span style="color:#1f1f1f"><span style="font-size:12px">Introduces the many Healthcare, Fitness and Wellness disciplines connected with Exercise Science; including scientific foundations of the exercise science subdisciplines, professionalism, ethics, certifications, licensures, employment opportunities and career pathways.

Section Section Dates Time Instructor Credits Location
01 2024/09/06 - 2024/10/21
Monday, Friday
2:00PM - 3:20PM
Tim Hanway
Main Campus

EXSC 110 - Form and Function in Resistance Exercise

<span style="color:#1f1f1f"><span style="font-size:12px">Introduces the fundamental training principles and proper technique for developing muscle-related goals such as endurance, hypertrophy, strength, and power. The course also covers the utilization of free weights and machines, how to take individuals through a 1 repetition max (RM) in various exercises, and discusses introductory approaches of modifying exercises to meet the needs of patients and clients.

Section Section Dates Time Instructor Credits Location
01 2024/10/25 - 2024/12/13
Monday, Friday
2:00PM - 3:20PM
Tim Hanway
Main Campus

EXSC 332 - Exercise Physiology

Studies the physiological and adaptive responses of the human body to acute and chronic exercise stress. Examines how exercise affects major organ systems across the spectrum of healthy and unhealthy populations. Laboratory uses a variety of exercise equipment to apply physiological concepts to exercise testing, prescription, and training.

Section Section Dates Time Instructor Credits Location
01 2024/09/03 - 2024/12/12
Tuesday, Thursday
11:00AM - 12:20PM
Ling Xin
Main Campus

EXSC 332L - Exercise Physiology Lab

Section Section Dates Time Instructor Credits Location
01 2024/09/09 - 2024/12/09
11:00AM - 1:50PM
Ling Xin
Main Campus
02 2024/09/04 - 2024/12/11
11:00AM - 1:50PM
Ling Xin
Main Campus

EXSC 362 - Kinesiology

<span style="color:#1f1f1f"><span style="font-size:12px">The analysis of human movement based on anatomical and mechanical principles. Emphasis is given to the application of these principles towards understanding human movement in regards to health, performance, and physical activity.

Section Section Dates Time Instructor Credits Location
01 2024/09/03 - 2024/12/12
Tuesday, Thursday
8:00AM - 9:20AM
Michael Welch
Main Campus

EXSC 362L - Kinesiology Lab

Section Section Dates Time Instructor Credits Location
01 2024/09/03 - 2024/12/10
2:00PM - 4:50PM
Michael Welch
Main Campus
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