
Below you will find the current course offerings listed by semester and then alphabetically by department. Students and Faculty should log in to and view the live course listings for the current semester. The current semester listings below are updated weekly. If you have any questions about these courses, please contact the Registrar's Office at or 617-521-2111.

Spring 2025 Course Schedule

Last Updated: 03/31/2025 06:12PM

Behavior Analysis

BEHV 415 - Introduction to Single Subject Research Designs

This course is designed to introduce the fundamentals of behavior-analytic research, methods for obtaining data based on operationally defined target behaviors. At the culmination of this course students should be able to independently create all single-subject research designs, discuss benefits and limitation to each design, and identify how and where experimental control is demonstrated. Students will learn to select an appropriate research design, interpret data, and make data-based decisions.

Section Section Dates Time Instructor Credits Location
01 2025/01/22 - 2025/05/07
6:00PM - 9:30PM
Laura Hanratty
Main Campus

BEHV 426 - Behavioral Assessment

Assessment is the cornerstone of behavior analysis. Whether working with people or animals, individually or in groups, in whatever problems behavior analysts address, the foundation is rigorous assessment. This course introduces the methods of behavioral assessment, focusing on the identification of hypotheses and hypothesis testing for the purpose of identifying functional relations. The course also teaches students to plan effective clinical and educational interventions based on the results of multidimensional behavioral assessment. A multidimensional assessment approach using a continuum of assessment methods is presented.

Section Section Dates Time Instructor Credits Location
01 2025/01/22 - 2025/05/07
6:00PM - 9:30PM
Emily Perry
Main Campus

BEHV 430 - Legal and Ethical Issues

This course was designed to provide students with an overview of the Behavior Analyst Certification Board ethics code. Ethical issues outlined in the Behavior Analyst Certification Board�s (BACB®) Task List will be reviewed in the context of this class ( Additionally, the student will become familiar with federal and state legal regulations and policies specific to behavior management and restraint, as well as discuss larger ethical issues such as the design of cultures, guardianship, and discrimination.

Section Section Dates Time Instructor Credits Location
01 2025/01/27 - 2025/05/05
6:00PM - 9:30PM
Christina Barosky
Main Campus

BEHV 465 - Verbal Behavior

Skinner considered his 1957 book Verbal Behavior to be his most important work. Skinner rejected cognitive explanations of language as the transmission of thoughts and ideas that start in our minds. Instead, he analyzed verbal behavior as behavior controlled by basic behavioral processes, including positive reinforcement and stimulus control. In this course, students read and analyze the concepts in Verbal Behavior, such as the mand, tact, intraverbal, and autoclitic. The distinction between radical and methodological behaviorism is discussed, including a discussion of how behavior analysts treat private events and covert verbal behavior. Students read research on applications of verbal behavior to improving the communication of individuals with language delays. There is also an emphasis on practical applications of the analysis of verbal behavior. Products of this course include a teaching program based on verbal behavior and a paper extending ideas or research avenues in verbal behavior.

Section Section Dates Time Instructor Credits Location
01 2025/01/21 - 2025/05/06
6:00PM - 9:30PM
Simone Palmer
Main Campus

BEHV 470 - Practicum Orientation

<b>1 mandatory meeting: </b><i>Practicum Orientation must be successfully completed to be eligible to take Practicum I. Practicum Orientation is an asynchronous course that students complete to prepare for Practicum, including submitting required paperwork for proposed sites and supervisors, and preparing for the thesis equivalent project. Students must attend a mandatory meeting.</i>

Section Section Dates Time Instructor Credits Location
Gretchen Dittrich

BEHV 471 - Practicum I

Practicum I is an experiential learning course. Students must work at an approved site, with an approved supervisor, completing a minimum of 20 experience hours per month (45 hours per semester). In addition to experience hours, students complete didactic instruction weekly, and complete a thesis equivalent research proposal.

Section Section Dates Time Instructor Credits Location
01 2025/01/23 - 2025/05/08
6:00PM - 9:30PM
Laura Hanratty
Main Campus

BEHV 472 - Practicum II

Practicum II is an experiential learning course. Students must work at an approved site, with an approved supervisor, completing a minimum of 20 experience hours per month (45 hours per semester). In addition to experience hours, students complete didactic instruction weekly, and complete a thesis equivalent research project.

Section Section Dates Time Instructor Credits Location
01 2025/01/22 - 2025/05/07
6:00PM - 9:30PM
Ksenia Gatzunis
Main Campus

BEHV 495 - Independent Study

The student selects a problem for in-depth analysis and study. Prerequisite: graduate student standing and department consent.

Section Section Dates Time Instructor Credits Location
01 2025/01/22 - 2025/05/07
6:00PM - 7:30PM

Behavioral Analysis Online

BEHVO 415 - Introduction to Single Subject Research

This course presents and assesses the experimental control developed by various types of single-subject research designs. Additionally, the types of measurement protocols, ethical issues, data collection, and visual display are discussed in relation to each research design.This course will use behaviorally based pedagogical strategies, such as Say All Fast Minute Each Day Shuffle (SAFMEDS), interteaching, group activities, case studies, readings, literature reviews, guided notes, Socratic questioning, quizzes, exams, a midterm, and a final exam. Active student responding will be prioritized. Students must design, present, and defend a hypothetical study in a professional poster format.

Section Section Dates Time Instructor Credits Location
01 2025/01/15 - 2025/04/16
8:00PM - 10:10PM
Claudia Campos Fleitas

BEHVO 424 - Introduction to Applied Behavior Analysis

The focus of this class is on basic behavioral vocabulary, definitions, and principles (e.g., reinforcement, stimulus control, and motivation). The format includes a combination of lectures, group discussions, and small group activities. Readings from assigned texts will serve as the basis for class presentation and discussions. This course will use behaviorally based pedagogical strategies, such as Say All Fast Minute Each Day Shuffle (SAFMEDS), interteaching, group activities, case studies, readings, literature reviews, guided notes, Socratic questioning, quizzes and exams, a midterm and a final exam. Active student responding will be prioritized.

Section Section Dates Time Instructor Credits Location
01 2025/01/13 - 2025/04/14
6:30PM - 8:40PM
Stephanie Keesey-Phelan

BEHVO 426 - Behavioral Assessment

Assessment is the cornerstone of behavior analysis. Whether working with people or animals, individually or in groups, addressing any given problem, the foundation of the behavior analyst�s work is rigorous assessment. This course introduces the methods of behavioral assessment, focusing on identifying hypotheses and testing the hypothesis to identify functional relations. The course also teaches students to plan effective clinical and educational interventions based on the results of multi-dimensional behavioral assessment that uses a continuum of assessment methods.Through this course, students will learn to conduct a functional behavioral assessment including planning, taking data, interpreting data, composing narrative reports, and establishing rapport with clients while determining how best to measure progress and develop goals. By the end of the course, students should be able to perform these processes with any client or any group of clients.This course will use behaviorally based pedagogical strategies, such as Say All Fast Minute Each Day Shuffle (SAFMEDS), interteaching, group activities, individual self paced modules, readings, literature reviews, guided notes, Socratic questioning, quizzes, exams, and a final project. Active student responding will be prioritized.

Section Section Dates Time Instructor Credits Location
01 2025/01/14 - 2025/04/15
6:30PM - 8:40PM
Christina King

BEHVO 427 - Methodologies for Behavior Change I

Section Section Dates Time Instructor Credits Location
01 2025/01/15 - 2025/04/16
7:00PM - 9:10PM
Dani Pizzella
02 2025/01/16 - 2025/04/17
8:30PM - 10:40PM
Jessica Mias

BEHVO 430 - Ethics and Legal Issues

This course was designed to provide students with an overview of the Behavior Analyst Certification Board�s (2014) Professional and Ethical Compliance Code for Behavior Analysts. Ethical issues outlined in the Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BACB) Task List will be reviewed in the context of this class ( Additionally, the student will become familiar with federal and state legal regulations and policies specific to behavior management and restraint, as well as discuss larger ethical issues such as the design of cultures, guardianship, and discrimination.

Section Section Dates Time Instructor Credits Location
01 2025/01/13 - 2025/04/14
6:30PM - 8:40PM
Emily Perry
02 2025/01/15 - 2025/04/16
7:00PM - 9:10PM
Christina King

BEHVO 434 - Methodologies for Behavior Change II

The purpose of this course is to expose students to innovative behavioral instructional protocols, such as precision teaching, PSI, direct instruction, stimulus equivalence, and errorless instruction.This course will use behaviorally based pedagogical strategies, such as lecture with guided notes, active choral responding, practice opportunities with modeling, Personalized System of Instruction, guided reading, guest lectures, weekly quizzes, a final exam and two student projects.

Section Section Dates Time Instructor Credits Location
01 2025/01/15 - 2025/04/16
7:00PM - 9:10PM
Christina Barosky

BEHVO 445 - Advanced Topics in Behavior Analysis

Examines the how fundamental behavior analytical protocols (e.g., schedules of reinforcement, stimulus control, etc.) can be used to assess and account for sophisticated human behaviors, such as verbal behaviors, private events, and derived relational responding. Translational research (i.e., from laboratory to the real world) is presented and discussed.

Section Section Dates Time Instructor Credits Location
01 2025/01/14 - 2025/04/15
7:30PM - 9:40PM
Laurel Ciavarri

BEHVO 465 - Verbal Behavior

Skinner considered his 1957 book, &#34;Verbal Behavior,&#34; to be his most important work. Skinner rejected cognitive explanations of language as the transmission of thoughts and ideas that start in our minds. Instead, he analyzed verbal behavior as behavior controlled by basic behavioral processes, including positive reinforcement and stimulus control. In this course, students read and analyze the concepts in &#34;Verbal Behavior,&#34; such as the mand, tact, intraverbal, and autoclitic. The distinction between radical and methodological behaviorism is discussed, including a discussion of how behavior analysts treat private events and covert verbal behavior. Students read research on applications of verbal behavior to improving the communication of individuals with language delays. There is also an emphasis on practical applications of the analysis of verbal behavior. Products of this course include a teaching program based on verbal behavior and a paper extending ideas or research avenues in verbal behavior.

Section Section Dates Time Instructor Credits Location
01 2025/01/13 - 2025/04/14
7:30PM - 9:40PM
Dani Pizzella

BEHVO 470 - Practicum Orientation

Practicum Orientation must be successfully completed to be eligible to take Practicum I. Practicum Orientation is an asynchronous course that students complete to prepare for Practicum, including submitting required paperwork for proposed sites and supervisors, and preparing for the thesis equivalent project. Students must attend a mandatory meeting.

Section Section Dates Time Instructor Credits Location
Claudia Campos Fleitas

BEHVO 471 - Practicum I

Practicum I is an experiential learning course. Students must work at an approved site, with an approved supervisor, completing a minimum of 20 experience hours per month (45 hours per semester). In addition to experience hours, students complete didactic instruction weekly, and complete a thesis equivalent research proposal.

Section Section Dates Time Instructor Credits Location
01 2025/01/13 - 2025/04/14
7:00PM - 9:10PM
Christina King
02 2025/01/15 - 2025/04/16
7:00PM - 9:10PM
Missy Olive

BEHVO 472 - Practicum II

Practicum II is an experiential learning course. Students must work at an approved site, with an approved supervisor, completing a minimum of 20 experience hours per month (45 hours per semester). In addition to experience hours, students complete didactic instruction weekly, and complete a thesis equivalent research project.

Section Section Dates Time Instructor Credits Location
01 2025/01/14 - 2025/04/15
8:30PM - 10:40PM
Claudia Campos Fleitas
02 2025/01/16 - 2025/04/17
7:00PM - 9:10PM
Marcella Hangen
03 2025/01/14 - 2025/04/15
6:30PM - 8:40PM
Marcella Hangen


BIOL 104 - Introduction to Environmental Science

Introduces basic principles of ecology and environmental science relevant to the interactions between humans and their environment, unity and interconnections of life, and processes that drive ecological health. Relevance of ecology to today's society with emphasis on natural resource use, conservation, and the relationships of ecological health to human health.

Section Section Dates Time Instructor Credits Location
01 2025/01/21 - 2025/05/08
Tuesday, Thursday
2:00PM - 3:20PM
Anna Aguilera
Main Campus

BIOL 113 - General Biology

Introduces basic principles of biology, including cell structure and function, biochemistry, and metabolism; Mendelian and molecular genetics; and discussion of the theory of evolution. Includes lecture and laboratory sessions.<b>Students are required to register for BIOL 113L General Biology Laboratory] section as co-requisites to the BIOL 113 [Lecture] section.</b>

Section Section Dates Time Instructor Credits Location
01 2025/01/21 - 2025/05/08
Tuesday, Thursday
8:00AM - 9:20AM
Ali Ahrabi
Main Campus

BIOL 113L - General Biology Lab

Section Section Dates Time Instructor Credits Location
01 2025/01/24 - 2025/05/09
11:00AM - 1:50PM
Roberto De Luca
Main Campus
02 2025/01/23 - 2025/05/08
11:00AM - 1:50PM
Ali Ahrabi
Main Campus

BIOL 150 - Research Training I

Students will build research skills in the laboratory and theoretical sciences by becoming involved in active research projects in the Department of Biology or in outside research settings. Students conduct fewer than 25 research hours or conducts paid research.

Section Section Dates Time Instructor Credits Location
Eric Luth

BIOL 151 - Research Training II

Students will build research skills in the laboratory and theoretical sciences by becoming involved in active research projects in the Department of Biology or in outside research settings. Students conduct 25-49 research hours.

Section Section Dates Time Instructor Credits Location
Eric Luth

BIOL 170 - Internship Training I

Students will gain professional knowledge and skills by becoming involved in an internship in the Department of Biology or in outside settings. Students perform fewer than 25 internship hours or conducts paid research.

Section Section Dates Time Instructor Credits Location
Eric Luth

BIOL 171 - Internship Training II

Students will gain professional knowledge and skills by becoming involved in an internship in the Department of Biology or in outside settings. Students perform 25-49 internship hours.

Section Section Dates Time Instructor Credits Location
Eric Luth

BIOL 218 - Gen Bio II: Organismal Diversity in the Environment

Studies animal form and function, the origin of animal diversity, and the strategies that animals use to thrive in diverse environments. Considers taxonomy and phylogeny of major animal groups. Includes lecture and laboratory sessions.

Section Section Dates Time Instructor Credits Location
01 2025/01/21 - 2025/05/08
Tuesday, Thursday
9:30AM - 10:50AM
John Young
Main Campus

BIOL 218L - Gen Bio II: Organismal Diversity in the Environment Lab

Section Section Dates Time Instructor Credits Location
01 2025/01/21 - 2025/05/06
11:00AM - 1:50PM
Anna Aguilera
Main Campus
02 2025/01/24 - 2025/05/09
11:00AM - 1:50PM
John Young
Main Campus
03 2025/01/23 - 2025/05/08
11:00AM - 1:50PM
Eric Luth
Main Campus

BIOL 221 - Microbiology

Introduces the biology of microorganisms: bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Stresses control of microbial populations, systematic study, and use of quantitative methods. Includes lecture and laboratory sessions.

Section Section Dates Time Instructor Credits Location
01 2025/01/24 - 2025/05/09
Monday, Friday
2:00PM - 3:20PM
Elisabeth Simonin
Main Campus

BIOL 221L - Microbiology Lab

Section Section Dates Time Instructor Credits Location
01 2025/01/21 - 2025/05/06
11:00AM - 1:50PM
Ali Ahrabi
Main Campus
02 2025/01/22 - 2025/05/07
11:00AM - 1:50PM
Elisabeth Simonin
Main Campus
03 2025/01/23 - 2025/05/08
11:00AM - 1:50PM
Elisabeth Simonin
Main Campus
04 2025/01/23 - 2025/05/08
2:00PM - 4:50PM
Elisabeth Simonin
Main Campus

BIOL 225 - Cell Biology

Presents a thorough study of the cell, including structure, function, cell diversity, and methods of analysis. Examines major biochemical pathways of the cell in relation to particular organelles. Laboratory exercises introduce a wide range of techniques used by cell biologists.

Section Section Dates Time Instructor Credits Location
01 2025/01/21 - 2025/05/08
Tuesday, Thursday
9:30AM - 10:50AM
Seth Johnson
Main Campus

BIOL 225L - Cell Biology Lab

Section Section Dates Time Instructor Credits Location
01 2025/01/21 - 2025/05/06
2:00PM - 4:50PM
Seth Johnson
Main Campus
02 2025/01/21 - 2025/05/06
5:00PM - 7:50PM
Ali Ahrabi
Main Campus
03 2025/01/22 - 2025/05/07
11:00AM - 1:50PM
Seth Johnson
Main Campus
04 2025/01/23 - 2025/05/08
5:00PM - 7:50PM
Kayla Nygaard
Main Campus

BIOL 231 - Anatomy and Physiology I

Presents an integrated approach to the fundamental facts and concepts of human anatomy and physiology. Examines the constituents of the human body through investigation of tissue types and histology, with further emphasis on skeletal, muscular, and nervous systems, and endocrine control. Laboratory includes histology, gross anatomy, dissection, and physiological experiments.

Section Section Dates Time Instructor Credits Location
N1 2025/01/22 - 2025/05/09
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
9:00AM - 9:50AM
Charlotte Russell
Main Campus
N2 2025/01/22 - 2025/05/09
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
10:00AM - 10:50AM
Charlotte Russell
Main Campus

BIOL 231L - Anatomy and Physiology I Lab

Section Section Dates Time Instructor Credits Location
N1 2025/01/27 - 2025/05/05
2:00PM - 4:50PM
Sarah Phenix
Main Campus
N2 2025/01/21 - 2025/05/06
11:00AM - 1:50PM
Sarah Phenix
Main Campus
N3 2025/01/21 - 2025/05/06
5:00PM - 7:50PM
Sarah Phenix
Main Campus
N4 2025/01/22 - 2025/05/07
11:00AM - 1:50PM
Sarah Phenix
Main Campus
N5 2025/01/22 - 2025/05/07
5:00PM - 7:50PM
Michael Iannessa
Main Campus
N6 2025/01/23 - 2025/05/08
11:00AM - 1:50PM
Karlyn Grimes
Main Campus
N7 2025/01/23 - 2025/05/08
5:00PM - 7:50PM
Karlyn Grimes
Main Campus
N8 2025/01/24 - 2025/05/09
11:00AM - 1:50PM
Michael Iannessa
Main Campus

BIOL 232 - Anatomy and Physiology II

Introduces structural relationships and functional integration of major systems of the human body, with emphasis on cardiovascular, lymphatic, immunological, respiratory, digestive, metabolism, renal, reproductive, and homeostatic systems. Laboratory includes histology, gross anatomy, dissection, and physiological experiments.

Section Section Dates Time Instructor Credits Location
01 2025/01/21 - 2025/05/08
Tuesday, Thursday
12:30PM - 1:50PM
Jyl Collins
Main Campus

BIOL 232L - Anatomy and Physiology II Lab

Section Section Dates Time Instructor Credits Location
01 2025/01/21 - 2025/05/06
2:00PM - 4:50PM
Sarah Phenix
Main Campus
02 2025/01/21 - 2025/05/06
5:00PM - 7:50PM
Jyl Collins
Main Campus
03 2025/01/22 - 2025/05/07
11:00AM - 1:50PM
Kelliann Banaian
Main Campus
04 2025/01/23 - 2025/05/08
2:00PM - 4:50PM
Karlyn Grimes
Main Campus

BIOL 246 - Foundations of Exercise and Health

Class and lab introduce the student to the foundations of exercise that enhance health and prevent disease. Students learn to evaluate epidemiologic literature, studying factors that link lack of physical activity with the major chronic diseases of the present time.

Section Section Dates Time Instructor Credits Location
01 2025/01/21 - 2025/05/08
Tuesday, Thursday
11:00AM - 12:20PM
Ling Xin
Main Campus

BIOL 246L - Foundations of Exercise and Health Lab

Section Section Dates Time Instructor Credits Location
01 2025/01/22 - 2025/05/07
8:00AM - 10:50AM
Michael Welch
Main Campus
02 2025/01/22 - 2025/05/07
11:00AM - 1:50PM
Michael Welch
Main Campus

BIOL 250 - Research Training ll

Students will build research skills in the laboratory and theoretical sciences by becoming involved in active research projects in the Department of Biology or in outside research settings. Students conduct 50 or more research hours.

Section Section Dates Time Instructor Credits Location
Eric Luth

BIOL 270 - Internship Training II

Students will gain professional knowledge and skills by becoming involved in an internship in the Department of Biology or in outside settings. Students perform 50 or more internship hours.

Section Section Dates Time Instructor Credits Location
Eric Luth

BIOL 335 - Stem Cells, Regeneration, and Developmental Biology

Studies the morphological changes that occur in the development of organisms and the molecular events that underlie these processes. Laboratory sessions explore the development of many organisms, including vertebrates, invertebrates, and plants. <b>This course does NOT require a lab section.</b>

Section Section Dates Time Instructor Credits Location
01 2025/01/21 - 2025/05/08
Tuesday, Thursday
11:00AM - 12:20PM
John Young
Main Campus

BIOL 337 - Molecular Biology

Examines gene structure and function; regulation of DNA, RNA, and protein synthesis; the control of gene expression; and the use of recombinant technology as an investigative tool. Includes lecture and laboratory sessions.

Section Section Dates Time Instructor Credits Location
01 2025/01/21 - 2025/05/08
Tuesday, Thursday
8:00AM - 9:20AM
Jane Lopilato
Main Campus

BIOL 337L - Molecular Biology Lab

Section Section Dates Time Instructor Credits Location
01 2025/01/21 - 2025/05/06
2:00PM - 4:50PM
Jonathan Lee
Main Campus
02 2025/01/22 - 2025/05/07
11:00AM - 1:50PM
Jane Lopilato
Main Campus
03 2025/01/22 - 2025/05/07
8:00AM - 10:50AM
Jonathan Lee
Main Campus

BIOL 338 - Microbial Pathogenesis

Considers host-pathogen relationships by exploring the molecular and cellular mechanisms by which selected viruses, bacteria, and parasites invade host cells, commandeer cellular machinery, evade the host immune response, and cause cellular damage. Drug and vaccine development will also be considered.

Section Section Dates Time Instructor Credits Location
01 2025/01/24 - 2025/05/09
Monday, Friday
2:00PM - 3:20PM
Jane Lopilato
Main Campus

BIOL 350 - Independent Laboratory Research

Consent of department required. Usually taken for two semesters(eight semester hours) but may be elected for one semester (eight semester hours) at the discretion of the faculty sponsor. Arrangements for satisfying this independent learning requirement should be made with the student's advisor or BIOL-350 coordinator before the end of the junior year.

Section Section Dates Time Instructor Credits Location
01 2025/01/22 - 2025/05/07
9:00AM - 10:20AM
Eric Luth
Main Campus

BIOL 355 - Thesis

Consent of department required. Includes a thesis and an oral presentation at a scientific meeting or symposium. Required for all students completing an honors thesis in biology. Students must register for BIOL 350 or BIOL 370 in the first semester of their senior year.

Section Section Dates Time Instructor Credits Location
01 2025/01/22 - 2025/05/07
9:00AM - 10:20AM
Eric Luth
Main Campus

BIOL 370 - Internship

<b>Required: Senior Standing </b>Consent of department required. Provides a supervised professional experience off campus. Potential sites include clinical settings, government agencies, conservation groups, and zoos. Placement is the student's responsibility,with the support of the Career Education Center and the approval of the department. Arrangements for satisfying this independent learning requirement should be made with the student's advisor or BIOL 370 coordinator before the end of the junior year.

Section Section Dates Time Instructor Credits Location
01 2025/01/24 - 2025/05/09
11:00AM - 12:20PM
Michael Welch
Main Campus
02 2025/01/24 - 2025/05/09
12:30PM - 1:50PM
Tim Hanway
Main Campus


BUS 100 - Introduction to Business and Management

Introduces the various functions, processes and activities of the manager in today's global marketplace. Emphasizes the global economy and organizations while building students' understanding of social responsibility, support for women's leadership and career success, ethical standards for decision-making and managing effective teams. Incorporates experiential exercises and case studies to help students observe, evaluate and apply business skills.

Section Section Dates Time Instructor Credits Location
01 2025/01/21 - 2025/05/08
Tuesday, Thursday
9:30AM - 10:50AM
Erin DeCurtis
Main Campus
02 2025/01/27 - 2025/05/05
6:00PM - 8:50PM
Edward Vieira
Main Campus

BUS 112 - Personal Finance

Come explore your future adult life! All decisions involve choices, most of which have costs and benefits. We will practice analysis and problem-solving of how to apply for a credit card, how to manage your credit card balance and/or student loans, how to buy or lease a car, how to make a choice between renting or buying a condo, how to choose insurance for your car and home, how to pay your taxes, and how to invest for future goals (vacation home, college education of your children, your retirement).

Section Section Dates Time Instructor Credits Location
01 2025/01/21 - 2025/05/08
Tuesday, Thursday
5:00PM - 6:20PM
Zinnia Mukherjee
Main Campus
02 2025/01/22 - 2025/05/07
Monday, Wednesday
5:00PM - 6:20PM
Mansfield Holmes
Main Campus

BUS 120 - Business Applications in Excel

Students will learn about the use of various advanced functions of spreadsheets to become more efficient and effective in making accounting and business decisions in the corporate environment. Students will develop skills and gain knowledge through the use of hands-on exercises to be completed outside of class.

Section Section Dates Time Instructor Credits Location
Yulong Li

BUS 221 - Project Management

Regardless of someone's role in business, education, health care, government, or any other sector, being able to manage projects successfully is a critical skill. A project is a unique set of activities meant to produce a defined outcome within an established period using a specific allocation of resources. This course provides an overview of concepts, tools, and techniques for planning, directing and controlling projects. It takes a multidisciplinary approach that comprises the quantitative analysis required to meet the technical, budget, and time constraints of projects as well as the behavioral and organizational factors critical to their successful completion. Students use case analysis and experiential exercises to supplement the coursework.

Section Section Dates Time Instructor Credits Location
01 2025/01/21 - 2025/05/06
2:00PM - 4:50PM
Yulong Li
Main Campus

BUS 230 - Why We Buy

Why do we buy? This course is designed to examine consumer psychology and behavior in order to inform marketing decisions. Firms today are overwhelmingly adopting a customer focus, striving to better understand consumer behavior to be competitive. The consumer purchasing process serves as the foundation for the many decisions we make in the practice of marketing, from new product and brand development, to pricing strategy, to channels of distribution, to selection of advertising messages, and to how we manage our customer relationships. Therefore, marketing involves bringing emerging theories and research from the fields of anthropology, sociology, psychology, economics, and neuroscience to bear on our understanding of consumer psychology and purchase behavior. In today's consumer culture, whether online or offline, what and how we consume is a central aspect of who we are, how we relate to others, and how we create meaning in contemporary life.

Section Section Dates Time Instructor Credits Location
01 2025/01/27 - 2025/05/05
2:00PM - 4:50PM
Edward Vieira
Main Campus

BUS 231 - Brand Management

For many firms, the brands associated with their products and/or services are their most valuable assets, and, hence, much management attention is given to designing, communicating, stewarding, and protecting them. This course is designed to provide an in-depth understanding of brand management and how brands and the stories that define them are crafted and communicated to consumers. This course takes a contemporary view of branding as a collaborative process of meaning making between firms, consumers, and other cultural producers, and includes emerging theory and best practices on brand storytelling, open source branding, branding in social media, and brand communities

Section Section Dates Time Instructor Credits Location
OL01 2025/01/21 - 2025/05/06
6:00PM - 8:50PM
Edward Vieira

BUS 234 - Organizational Communication & Behavior

After graduation, what will you be doing? Most likely you'll be working in an organization that has a mission, goals to reach.and people you will need to work with effectively. Key to your success will be developing good relationships with your bosses and peers; influencing people to get excited about your ideas; and building teams that work well together and produce good outcomes. In BUS 234 you will gain insight into your strengths as an individual, a team-member and a leader, learn about how organizations really work, and build many of the skills (communication, problem solving, public speaking, persuasive writing), that will serve you well in any career.

Section Section Dates Time Instructor Credits Location
01 2025/01/21 - 2025/05/08
Tuesday, Thursday
12:30PM - 1:50PM
Erin DeCurtis
Main Campus

BUS 234CD - Organizational Communication & Behavior

After graduation, what will you be doing? Most likely you'll be working in an organization that has a mission, goals to reach.and people you will need to work with effectively. Key to your success will be developing good relationships with your bosses and peers; influencing people to get excited about your ideas; and building teams that work well together and produce good outcomes. In BUS 234 you will gain insight into your strengths as an individual, a team-member and a leader, learn about how organizations really work, and build many of the skills (communication, problem solving, public speaking, persuasive writing), that will serve you well in any career.

Section Section Dates Time Instructor Credits Location
01 2025/01/21 - 2025/05/06
8:00PM - 9:20PM
Debra Leahy

BUS 239 - Health Care Finance

This course is an introduction to financial management concepts and business practices in the healthcare industry. It includes the topics of reimbursement and revenue cycle, as well as industry-specific financial reporting and managerial accounting. It focuses on the analytical and performance management techniques that have particular relevance to clinicians and practitioners. In this course, the student should become fluent in the issues, data and concepts of financial decision making at the departmental or unit level. No pre-requisites.

Section Section Dates Time Instructor Credits Location
01 2025/01/22 - 2025/05/07
6:00PM - 8:50PM
Anu Puri
Main Campus

BUS 250 - Principles of Marketing

This course introduces fundamental marketing concepts and tools and provides an overview of marketing management. The course focuses on: 1) exploring the marketing environment, 2) applying marketing research and buyer behavior theories to facilitate strategic planning, and 3) developing tactical decisions to achieve organizations' marketing objectives.

Section Section Dates Time Instructor Credits Location
01 2025/01/22 - 2025/05/07
8:00AM - 10:50AM
Kelly Fattman
Main Campus

BUS 251 - Digital Marketing

Digital technologies give us new ways of building loyalty, connecting and interacting with customers and other stakeholders. This course is designed to get you to think like a digital marketing professional and give you the experience to lead marketing initiatives in digital environments.

Section Section Dates Time Instructor Credits Location
01 2025/01/27 - 2025/05/05
6:00PM - 8:50PM
Ashley Inman
Main Campus

BUS 260 - Financial Management

Provides students with the fundamental concepts and analytical tools used in financial management. You will be able to understand the conversation and goals of business meetings, and be able to read The Wall Street Journal. Studies managerial decisions related to evaluating investment and financing opportunities. Examines both short-term and long-term considerations related to these decisions, including risk. Provides both a corporate and an individual decision-making perspective. All analysis applied to a company of your choice. Includes analysis and presentation of a real business opportunity. Competency in Excel required.

Section Section Dates Time Instructor Credits Location
01 2025/01/21 - 2025/05/08
Tuesday, Thursday
2:00PM - 3:20PM
Mansfield Holmes
Main Campus

BUS 270 - Business Analytics

This course brings together knowledge and skills from statistics and business courses to help students effectively use quantitative analysis to understand and solve problems in organizations. Applications and examples used in the course will enable students to apply their learning to their primary area of academic and professional interest.

Section Section Dates Time Instructor Credits Location
01 2025/01/23 - 2025/05/08
2:00PM - 4:50PM
Yulong Li
Main Campus

BUS 292 - Leadership through the Lens of a Diversity Officer

<div>This course weaves together the principles of effective leadership with a thorough understanding of DEI, offering students a multifaceted view of organizational management from the perspective of a Diversity Officer. Throughout the course, students will delve into the strategic development of DEI initiatives, explore the impact of inclusive leadership on organizational culture, and learn to navigate through various DEI-related challenges and crises.</div><div></div>

Section Section Dates Time Instructor Credits Location
01 2025/01/27 - 2025/05/05
2:00PM - 4:50PM
Rachel Deleveaux
Main Campus

BUS 311 - Investments

Focuses understanding each investment asset: mutual funds, ETFs, long equity, shorting equity, bonds, futures and stock options. Reviews how each is characterized, valued, traded and monitored for required returns appropriate to its risk This course develops a student's decision making skills through the use of a full semester-long simulation that is based on a typical e-trading platform. Students for full multi-million dollar portfolio created for a real client of the student's choice

Section Section Dates Time Instructor Credits Location
01 2025/01/21 - 2025/05/08
Tuesday, Thursday
5:00PM - 6:20PM
Mansfield Holmes
Main Campus

BUS 340 - Strategic Management

Work collaboratively to understand how leader-managers successfully design and practice strategy for organizational success by integrating the functional areas of marketing, finance, accounting, operations, and more. Strategists can conceptualize the big picture and the operational; they will be able to follow their analysis with decisions and actions that implement the chosen course regardless of, and perhaps because of the uncertainty and market dynamism that confront organizations and individuals alike.

Section Section Dates Time Instructor Credits Location
01 2025/01/22 - 2025/05/07
6:00PM - 8:50PM
Jessica Halem
Main Campus

BUS 349 - Advancing Your Career

This course offers students the opportunity to gain work experience in a for-profit or not-for-profit organization. Credit is variable. A student negotiates the exact tasks, number of credits, and organization with the designated faculty

Section Section Dates Time Instructor Credits Location
Erin DeCurtis

BUS 350 - Independent Study

Involves a course of study on a topic of interest to the student. The work culminates in a final paper or other substantial final project. In order to complete an independent study, students must identify a faculty member of the Program faculty who is willing to work with them on the topic.

Section Section Dates Time Instructor Credits Location
Erin DeCurtis
Mansfield Holmes

BUS 375 - Applied Inclusive Leadership: Project Management for Real-World Impact

This course combines academics with professional preparation in service to the University�s commitment to Inclusive Leadership. The fast-paced, business-focus of the class requires students to lead teams, act as boundary-spanners, follow a project management schedule, anduse a variety of critical thinking skills and discernment related to the successful execution of the Simmons Leadership Conference.This is a special class that integrates theories and models of management, teamwork, and leadership with a real-world application in the planning and execution of a major conference.There is no textbook. There are readings and reflection papers designed to create self-awareness and �stickiness� of concepts.

Section Section Dates Time Instructor Credits Location
01 2025/01/22 - 2025/05/07
11:00AM - 1:50PM
Kristen Palson
Main Campus
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