
Below you will find the current course offerings listed by semester and then alphabetically by department. Students and Faculty should log in to and view the live course listings for the current semester. The current semester listings below are updated weekly. If you have any questions about these courses, please contact the Registrar's Office at or 617-521-2111.

Spring 2025 Course Schedule

Last Updated: 03/31/2025 06:12PM

Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies

WGSS 111 - Introduction to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Studies

Introduces students to the interdisciplinary field of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender studies. Examines LGBT identity, sexuality, gender, politics, and culture from a variety of disciplinary and theoretical perspectives, including history, sociology, philosophy, and science.

Section Section Dates Time Instructor Credits Location
01 2025/01/24 - 2025/05/09
Monday, Friday
2:00PM - 3:20PM
Suzanne Leonard
Main Campus

WGSS 216 - Women and Gender in U.S. History: Since 1890

Studies women's lives and roles from 1890 to the present. Examines women's experiences in households and families, at work, and in diverse communities. Focuses on racial, class, ethnic, and regional differences among women. Also explores changing definitions of femininity and masculinity. Course materials include a wide range of primary documentary and visual sources as well as historical essays.

Section Section Dates Time Instructor Credits Location
OL01 2025/01/21 - 2025/05/08
Tuesday, Thursday
2:00PM - 3:20PM
Kristen Vogel

WGSS 232 - Race, Gender, Health

Examines the unique perspective of health care from the cultural lens appropriate to women of color. Historical, social, environmental, and political factors that contribute to racial and gender disparities in health care are analyzed. Students will develop cultural competency tools for more effective health care delivery.

Section Section Dates Time Instructor Credits Location
01 2025/01/27 - 2025/05/05
11:00AM - 1:50PM
Dawna Thomas
Main Campus

WGSS 360 - Seminar in the History of Women and Gender 1790-1920

Consent of department required. Enrollment normally open only to juniors, seniors, and graduate students. Offers advanced studies in the history of women's experience and the construction of gender. Each semester, draws upon one of a series of revolving themes, including gender and consumer culture; women and education; gender and war; women, work and professionalization; and the suffrage movement.

Section Section Dates Time Instructor Credits Location
01 2025/01/22 - 2025/05/07
6:00PM - 8:50PM
Sarah Leonard
Main Campus

WGSS 375 - Behind the Veil: Simmons Black Oral History Project

Black history has been preserved largely through a rich oral tradition. This course introduces students to the theory, methods, and best practices of conducting oral histories. In this fieldwork-based class, students will examine what it means to be Black at Simmons by conducting their own oral histories with alumni.

Section Section Dates Time Instructor Credits Location
01 2025/01/21 - 2025/05/06
11:00AM - 1:50PM
Tatiana M.F. Cruz
Main Campus

WGSS 575 - Behind the Veil: Simmons Black Oral History Project

Black history has been preserved largely through a rich oral tradition. This course introduces students to the theory, methods, and best practices of conducting oral histories. In this fieldwork-based class, students will examine what it means to be Black at Simmons by conducting their own oral histories with alumni.

Section Section Dates Time Instructor Credits Location
01 2025/01/21 - 2025/05/06
11:00AM - 1:50PM
Tatiana M.F. Cruz
Main Campus

Women's & Gender Studies

WGST 204 - What is Feminism? Origins of Feminist Thought

Explores the historic roots of the demand for political, social, and economic justice for women. Studies the development of feminist theory and activism through comparative analysis. Emphasizes the diversity of feminist thought and how successive generations have revised the meaning of feminist theory and practice.

Section Section Dates Time Instructor Credits Location
01 2025/01/21 - 2025/05/06
2:00PM - 4:50PM
Tatiana M.F. Cruz
Main Campus

WGST 350 - Independent Study

Consent of instructor required.

Section Section Dates Time Instructor Credits Location
Tatiana M.F. Cruz

Writing Boston

WRI 101 - Writing Boston

Section Section Dates Time Instructor Credits Location
01 2025/01/21 - 2025/05/08
Tuesday, Thursday
5:00PM - 6:20PM
James Hunt Smith
Main Campus
02 2025/01/21 - 2025/05/08
Tuesday, Thursday
5:00PM - 6:20PM
Brendan Halpin
Main Campus
03 2025/01/21 - 2025/05/08
Tuesday, Thursday
2:00PM - 3:20PM
Zinnia Mukherjee
Main Campus
04 2025/01/21 - 2025/05/08
Tuesday, Thursday
2:00PM - 3:20PM
Betty Thompson
Main Campus
05 2025/01/21 - 2025/05/08
Tuesday, Thursday
3:30PM - 4:50PM
Betty Thompson
Main Campus
06 2025/01/22 - 2025/05/09
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
12:00PM - 12:50PM
Shreya Bhattacharyya
Main Campus
07 2025/01/22 - 2025/05/07
Monday, Wednesday
5:00PM - 6:20PM
James Hunt Smith
Main Campus
08 2025/01/21 - 2025/05/08
Tuesday, Thursday
2:00PM - 3:20PM
Rachel Molko
Main Campus
09 2025/01/21 - 2025/05/08
Tuesday, Thursday
3:30PM - 4:50PM
Rachel Molko
Main Campus
H01 2025/01/21 - 2025/05/08
Tuesday, Thursday
3:30PM - 4:50PM
Gregory Williams
Main Campus
H02 2025/01/21 - 2025/05/08
Tuesday, Thursday
2:00PM - 3:20PM
Karen Agostini
Main Campus
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